Monday, January 5, 2009

I've been tagged

I've been tagged! Here are the rules:
Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog.
List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections and 3 Random/Surprising facts.

JOYS: My hubby, Reading, Exploring

FEARS: Never being able to change, Being stuck, Not living my life fully

GOALS: Make up my mind, Be more Considerate & Compassionate, Start a Bookshop

OBSESSIONS/COLLECTIONS: Hardcover Books, Cherry Blossoms, Bears

RANDOM/SURPRISING FACTS: A Spirit Bear is generally born of 2 Black Bear parents and is a geneticly different bear species then it's parents.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Am now married and living in Canada

A lot has happened in the past week or so. I'm now married and living in Canada and I have to say I've very happy about that. Things are so different here a lot bigger and I mean a lot. Other then that things continue as normal as I try to remember names and faces of the new family I'm meeting.